Engage With Your Teen
Save the “The Answer is…” picture, below, to your phone photos.
Text it to your teen and ask, “What’s the question?”
The answer is…
What’s the Question?
Maybe you’ll take a really math-y approach to this…with questions that include…
- a fraction
- an exponent
- a negative number
or, you might think out-of-the-box and come up with a real life example, such as…
How many grandkids does Nana have?
What year was Great Aunt Ruby born? 19__
Out-of-the box answers can be a low-pressure way to engage with each other.
Yes, your teen may think you’re crazy.
(Hint: they probably already do.)
But, they’ll know (somewhere, deep down in their soul) that you’re trying…that you want to engage and be part of their life.
And, isn’t that the point?
Have fun with this one! And don’t rush the process…critical thinking is NOT a race!
Here are some possible questions to help you get started: