Empower Your Teen
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step…
For a lot of students (and their parents!), Algebra feels like a journey of a thousand miles!
A fascinating connection to that saying is the more ancient proverb:
Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.
You can find out more about the class and read dozens of reviews for my classes, here.
Think/Notice/Wonder Challenge
The puzzles I share each week in these Do-the-Math Mondays posts are similar to the ones I use with students in my critical thinking classes.
Use your observation, inference, and communication skills to finish these statements based on the image below.
I think…
I notice…
I wonder…
With your teen, come up with as many of these statements as you can, maybe in a tennis match-style (you say one, then your teen says another, back and forth).
It’s amazing how many details we can gather from one image.
It’s interesting, too, to see how we interpret these details in the same way and differently.
Enjoy your time together!
You’ve got this!