
Sometimes you just need to see something for yourself.

critical thinking and algebra help course image; screenshots of the course on a laptop, desktop, and tablet

There’s this vertical waffle maker that I’ve seen advertised–and I’m intrigued.  I mean, it’s a pretty cool concept.

It’s from a reputable company.

The price isn’t crazy, but it’s not cheap. 

But, I’m just looking at it online.  I can’t see it in person like I could if I was shopping in a store…and I don’t know any friends who have one.

So, what do I do?

Since it’s a kitchen gadget that I don’t actually need, and it just looks fun, that means I’ll hold off on getting it. 

Do you do that, too?

Well, I’m here to give you a chance to experience my critical thinking course for yourself (or, more specifically, for your teen’s self!).

critical thinking and algebra help course image; screenshots of the course on a laptop, desktop, and tablet

No more wondering what it’s like–I’ll email you the first session of the course, free of charge.

Why? Because I think that this may be something you need to see to really understand.

Simply click the button, and you’ll get all of Session 1, covered in four emails.

Email 1: The focus video

This is a 6 minute video where I’m teaching about the critical thinking focuses for session 1 (The full course has 3 more sessions.) This just kind of sets the stage for the skills we’ll be using in the activities.

laptop mockup of critical thinking activity

Email 2: The critical thinking activities video

This includes all the activities for the session and I’m in the video, walking your learner through the activities. Learners pause and work through the activities. The video is 12 minutes long and takes about 30 minutes to an hour to actually work through the problems.

laptop mockup of critical thinking activity

Email 3: The solutions video

This video is the longest but your learner only has to watch the sections that he or she struggled with or wants more details. I’ll explain in detail all of the activities that have a specific solution (some of the activities are open-ended, so we talk about that in the activities video).

laptop mockup of critical thinking activity

Email 4: Your learner’s chance to ask me  follow up questions or share something they learned or liked or disliked about the session.

Yes, I really read these and respond individually! Working with learners is my favorite part of what I do!

So, what are you waiting for?  Click here to get Session 1 for free.

You’ve got this!

🌷Mary K.

Join the Waitlist!

Join the Waitlist!

Would you like to be laughing when the course opens because you're paying half of what everyone else is paying...for the same course?

Well, the only way to do that is to be on the official waitlist!  We will offer the Algebra 1 Tutoring Solution Course to Waitlist Members at half price when the course opens (scheduled for January 2021!).

And just so you know...no obligation, no credit card number necessary to be on the waitlist.

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