Have you ever tried to start a project and it looked so overwhelming, you wanted to give up before you started?😱
When I walk into our garage, that’s what I do!
And now that I think about it, our bedroom closet is starting to make me feel that way, too.🙄
Ironically, I love all things organization and have read several books on the subject. (I should be an expert, but…)
In most of the books, when it comes to straightening up an area that’s overwhelming–the experts say to start with something small that you can accomplish…something that will hopefully lead you to the next small task, and so on.
That’s actually a good strategy with this type of activity…look for a good place to start…somewhere you have less to figure out.
Share this math challenge with your teen and see how you both do.
Need a bit more guidance? Here ya go.😎
Take your time! Critical thinking is not a race!
Keep working on it…together…talk about what you’ve tried that didn’t work!
You’ve got this!